Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience and some bugs have been fixed.
Improvements have been made and some bugs have been fixed for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made and some bugs have been fixed for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made and some bugs have been fixed for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made and some bugs have been fixed for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made and some bugs have been fixed for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Performance improvements were made and some bugs were fixed for a more enjoyable experience.
Performance improvements for a more enjoyable experience. was made and some bugs were fixed.
Improvements have been made and some bugs have been fixed for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made and some bugs have been fixed for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made and some bugs have been fixed for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made and some bugs have been fixed for a more enjoyable ordering experience.
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience, some bugs have been fixed
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience, some bugs have been fixed.
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience, some bugs have been fixed.
Improvements have been made for a more enjoyable ordering experience, some bugs have been fixed.
For a more enjoyable ordering experience, improvements have been made in the delivery and payment steps, and some bugs have been fixed.
Performance improvements have been made and some bugs have been fixed for a more enjoyable experience.
- Fixed some bugs.
Now you can benefit not only from Platinum Membership but also from Silver Membership privileges.
With Silver Membership, free shipping and 5% extra discount for only 24 TL per year!
Don't forget, you can become a Silver or Platinum Member right away, either with your points or by purchasing them.
- My Reading Lists page has been added. It can be accessed from the My Account -> My Lists page.
- Improvements were made in the application infrastructure. New products such as; staple food, snacks, cleaning supplies, personal care, mother & child products and much more options are now available. With the new interface; Change your address from home screen & discover exclusive services for your region. Select services from the home screen & easily access any products. Now you can repeat any order by using “Repeat Order” Last but not least, view unit prices through our renewed product screens. Don't forget to share your experience and comments!
- Some bugs have been fixed and the performance level has been increased.
- Some bugs have been fixed and the performance level has been increased.
- My Orders page is with you with its new design.
- "My Lists" menu has been added to the My Account page.
- Added product price tracking feature.
- "Publishers of the Month" list has been added to the homepage.
- Improvements were made in the application infrastructure.
- Fixed some issues.
- Improvements have been made regarding application startup.
- Infrastructure work on notifications was made.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Order Detail -> Order Support feature has been added.
- To the main page "What Should I Read?" added to the list.
- Improvements were made in the application infrastructure.
- An explanation has been added to the "Delivery in 24 hours" tag in the product detail.
- The design and infrastructure of the "Become a member" page has been updated.
- Improved the "no items" status on the "My Cart" page.
- Improved infrastructure on "Contact Us" and "Contact" pages.
- Huawei services are prioritized on devices with HMS installed.
- TalkBack improvement has been made in product details and multiple offers.
- Added "categories" to the main page.
- The numbers in the "Categories" tab have been removed, the categories are sorted alphabetically.
- Added "all" button to "Categories" tab, listing all products of the category.
- Additional installment information message to be applied by the bank, if any, has been added to the credit card installment options.
- "Audiobook gift card activation" has been added to the gift card activation page and the design of the page has been updated.
- The error in the "campaign code" in order steps that could cause the code to not be applied in some cases has been fixed.
- Links containing author and publisher detail pages have been opened in the application.
- The "campaign code" usage feature has been added to the order steps "payment options" page.
- "Register" page information text has been changed to be displayed on a separate page.
- Some minor errors in the add / edit address, author and publisher pages, after member registration, in the "confirm your order" function, in the order steps, in Masterpass payment and card storage infrastructure, have been fixed.
- "Register" page information text has been changed to be displayed on a separate page.
- Some application errors that may occur in Masterpass payment and card storage infrastructure have been fixed.
- The error that occurred in some cases in the "confirm your order" function in order steps has been fixed.
- The error that occurred in some cases after becoming a member has been fixed.
- Some errors in add / edit address page have been fixed.
- After confirming e-mail from the web, the application crash in the mobile application has been fixed.
- "Back" button has been added to "Search by Barcode" page.
- The font has been updated on the Publishers / Authors page.
- The "tax office" in the address has been updated as an option.
- The "loading" issue that remains open when the search result cannot find the product has been fixed.
- Fixed the issue where the cursor slips when editing in the search text box.
- The keyboard issue has been fixed in the Publishers / Authors page.
- Infrastructure updates and improvements regarding error tracking were made.
- Webview information display has been improved.
- Visual update of Android status bar, page title and bottom bar.
- Links containing product detail pages have been opened in the Android application.
- Order steps and payment options design has been updated.
- Fixed the issue where more than 20 items could not be displayed in the favorites list.
- List selection support has been added to the "neighborhood" field in the add / edit address form.
- "Password Change" function has been added to "My Account" page.
- Infrastructure works for sending special notification to the customer were discussed
- The minimum supported Android version has been updated to 5.0 (Lollipop).
- Fixed issue with accessing copy / paste functionality in some forms on Android 8.
- List selection support has been added to the "neighborhood" field in the add / edit address form.
- "Password Change" function has been added to "My Account" page.
- Infrastructure studies for sending customer-specific notifications were discussed.
- The minimum supported Android version has been updated to 5.0 (Lollipop).
- List selection support has been added to the "neighborhood" field in the add / edit address form.
- "Password Change" function has been added to "My Account" page.
- Infrastructure works for sending special notification to the customer were discussed
- The minimum supported Android version has been updated to 5.0 (Lollipop).
- Arrangements have been made for the new birthday campaign.
- Other infrastructure improvements were addressed.
- Infrastructure improvements were discussed.
- Virtual product sales were opened in mobile applications. If you need points, you can complete your missing score by purchasing. Add the 100 Points item to your cart to buy.
- Fixed the issue where the text could not be displayed completely in some cases in order steps shipping options.
- In some cases, visual distortions on the login page have been resolved.
- Search analysis has been added.
- Various infrastructure updates were addressed.
- Various infrastructure updates were addressed.
- Various infrastructure updates were addressed.
- 3 errors that caused application crashes have been fixed.
- Product stock status and lead time detailed.
- Adding an address is encouraged after you become a member.
- Minor errors related to My Account button have been fixed.
- Improved UX returning from search results.
- "Pay with points" option was remembered in order steps.
- "Deselect all" in product list filters has been improved.
- Some visual glitches for small screens have been fixed.
- There are improvements in in-app navigation and infrastructure.
- Minor bugs in many modules have been fixed.
- Electronic message permission has been added to "Register" form.
- Minor improvements have been handled.
- Updates were made to increase application stability and improve user experience.
- "Multiple offers" have been added to the product page.
- The design of product comments has been renewed.
- Application infrastructure has been modernized.
- Application design has been renewed.
- Many minor bugs in the application have been resolved.
- User experience has been improved.
- Improvements were made to the problem of logging in some of our customers ...
- "Multiple offers" added to the product page .
- The design of product comments has been renewed.
- Application infrastructure has been modernized.
- Application design has been renewed.
- Many minor bugs in the application have been resolved.
- User experience has been improved.
- Application crash problem when purchasing platinum membership is fixed.
- The problem related to the inability to view the product detail, platinum membership and transaction guide pages on some devices has been resolved.
- In some cases, "I cannot login to the application with my account." problem has been resolved.
* Improvements and bug fixes in product comments.
* Added "loading" image, indicating the process in progress at login.
* The application has been updated according to new Android versions.
* The "gift note" feature has been added to the "shipping and packaging" step in the order steps.
* When you use different packaging options in your orders, you will see the "I want to add a gift note" feature.
* The "shipping free" icon used in the product detail has been updated to be compatible with the website.
* Compatibility with different icon types on Android 8 and higher devices. (adaptive icon)
* In some cases, application crashes in product details and forms have been resolved.
* Categories, publisher and author pages have been regulated for access to more current products.
* Sorting option according to sales quantity in product lists has been changed to be "last year".
* The "Nickname" field has been removed from the "Register" page. Can be updated after becoming a member.
* Resolved an issue where the page scrolled up as I deleted an address in the My Account> My Addresses list.
* PTT cargo tracking button has been resolved.
* Minor improvements in filters and infrastructure.
* Added "Transaction Guide" to the Help menu.
* Resolved the scrolling problem in the "Comments" list in the product details.
* The problem of scrolling in the information pages has been resolved.
* In some cases, the keyboard problem displayed when "Home" is turned on.
* Some notifications cannot display the "Home" tab.
* Improvement to add / update functions has been done in order list address list.
* Android 8.0, 8.1 and 9.0 devices have resolved the issue of instant notification not working when the application is closed or in the background.
* On the help page social media buttons, the "G +" button, whose service will be terminated, has been canceled.
* An error that was received while the application was in the background was resolved on Android 8+ devices.
* Arrangement for fast address registration in address forms. (default country)
* I am a member and revised the correct date in my membership information form.
* My favorites have been edited with the "unlabeled" label.
* Publisher and author details button was updated as easy clickable.
* Minor bug fixes were made in the order steps.
* The error that caused application crash in comments listed in product detail was resolved.
* Minor improvements and optimizations.
* Added "My Account> Platinum Membership" module for platinum membership transactions.
* Added "My Account> Gift Card" module for gift card activation.
* Fixed minor errors in headings and cargo options in order steps.
* Added cash payment feature at cash point and delivery point.
* Improvements were made for foreign countries in the form of an address.
* Error management in web service messaging has been improved.
* Fixed some errors that caused application crash.
* In the address form the district / neighborhood area has been revised to the free text box, improvements have been made.
* Some errors related to basket were removed and improvements were made.
* Improvements were made to the shopping list.
* Comments and responses were made for infrastructure improvements.
* Improvements have been made to the order steps address list and shipping options.
* Membership form was addressed with privacy and security policy issues.
* Fixed some errors that caused application crash.
* Lists, sorting, filtering, product search with barcodes, left menu, improvements in the properties of related products were made. * New delivery options for shipping options. * Infrastructure was developed in announcements and campaigns. * Improvements in product comments were made. * Social network buttons were updated. * Order summary has been improved. * Announcements and campaigns area added to the score. * Application icon has been updated. * Application launching speeded up.
* Added score catalog where you can spend your accumulated points. * Buttons are added to the help panel so that you can contact us on social networks. * Search, filter and sorting features are improved. * Order history payment method and Money Order / EFT orders for the "where can I do airing" button was added. * Added "comment" button to the product details. * Campaigns are improvements in the module. * Increased resolution in product visuals. * Product details improvements. * Minor errors were removed.